Sex dictionary - simple understandable definitions of what the porns terms are. We explain the meanings of the most searched terms in porn. You will definetely become an expert in this field!

Definitions of sex words

Detailed definitions of the most interesting and common dirty words and porn phrases

Here is the most complete collection of the porn words' interpretations. Our website has a lot of words and phrases on the porn theme, for example, bangbus, black sex, japanese bukkake. We explain the meaning of each word and expression and bring clarity to the ways of using sex phrases like big tits at work, real wife stories and my friend hot mom. So now you will know exactly what free sex movies are about, what creamy pussy is, what gloryhole means and how to have sex at college sex parties. Here you can find different words that interest you and get to know their meanings. All definitions are written in plain language in order to represent them in a manner that makes them easy to read and understand. Porn dictionary will be useful for anyone interested in watching porn and enjoying horny girls acting in xxx videos. Read exciting articles about sex and porn and be in the loop!

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Definitions of sex slang phrases

Sex dictionary - an opportunity to learn more about hot porn you enjoy watching. A lot of people like watching porn and get pleasure from doing this. But not everyone knows the meanings of the porn words and phrases, for example, handjob, creampie, golden shower, BBW porn. We decided to fill the void and explain what the different porn words mean today. Blowjobs, anal fisting, titty fuck and many other words you will find on our site. Words are ordered alphabetically. It is very handy to choose any letter you want and read the definitions of all sex words starting with this letter. Discover thousands of porn words and expressions!

With the internet growing and expanding every single day, people that are curious about new sexual experiences and practices may easily get lost. What do all those words and abbreviations stand for? We all have learnt what BDSM is, but what the heck is CFNM or BBW? And what kind of hole is that gloryhole, how come it's so glorious? Who the heck is Dirty Gonzales and what does he have to do with anal sex? All those numerous sex terms will surely come to rescue when you are checking out popular categories on our porn site. To quickly get to your favorite genre, you have to know what you like, apart from the trivial categories like anal and gangbang. This is why this awesome porn dictionary with most commonly used porn terms and sex slang will become a precious source of information for everyone interested in deepening their knowledge. Not only can you now find what arouses you the most on a given day, you can also share some of those dirty terms with your lover - he or she will be sure to appreciate it. It's never too late to learn all the fancy new sex words, and you may be surprised to find out how much you have been missing out on recently! Juicy and spicy sexual terms are added every now and then to keep you well-informed.